Green Burial
A Green burial is a eco-friendly environmentally conscience choice. All Caskets and shrouds are made of biodegradable materials and nontoxic chemicals are used in the preparation of the deceased to create less pollution in the environment.

The Riverview Natural Burial Grounds in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery on North Broadway in Sleepy Hollow, NY overlooks the waters of the Pocantico River, which travel gently just a few steps away. These untouched grounds provide a Beautiful natural terrain. The Riverview Natural Burial Grounds is the perfect choice for those who seek an environmentally conscience option for the burial of a loved one, or for themselves.
A simple graveside service can be planned or a more traditional service in our funeral home or local house of worship with burial to follow can take place as well. Cremation is also a eco-friendly option. We offer a variety of biodegradable and living plant urns for your family to choose from. For more details on our eco-friendly options please feel free to contact us at (516) 379-3119.